Snubber Refurbishment & Testing
OST Services offers both testing and refurbishment services for the majority of types of hydraulic snubbers. These would include snubbers manufactured by LISEGA, Anchor Darling/Fronic, Bergen Patterson, Basic Engineers, Power Piping and Anvil/Grinnell.
Our standard refurbishment includes all new seals, fluid and full load testing and calibration to original equipment manfucturer (O.E.M.) settings and procedures. If, upon disassembly, additional parts are found worn or damaged the client will be notified to any additional costs or schedule changes. All parts are supplied with O.E.M. replacement parts wherever possible.
Our testing services also includes “As-Found” full load functional testing for both lockup velocities and bleed rates as well snubber function. We have both in-house and on-site capabilities.